Hole FillingΒΆ

The hole filling filter fills holes in a mesh. It is useful for repairing meshes that have missing faces. The filter works by first creating an area-minimizing triangulation of the hole. The initial triangulation is the optimized using a remeshing algorithm. A final fairing step is used to smooth the filled hole.

Use the following steps to fill a hole in a mesh:

  1. Select the Hole Filling filter from the sidebar.

  2. Detect all holes in the mesh by pressing the Detect Holes button. The holes are listed in the Holes drop-down menu. For each hole, the number of boundary edges of the hole is displayed. The holes are sorted in descending order by the number of boundary edges.

  3. Select the hole to fill from the Holes drop-down menu. The edges of the selected hole are highlighted in the 3D view.

  4. Press the Apply button to fill the selected hole.

The hole filling filter can be applied multiple times to successively fill all holes in a mesh.

Loading a new mesh or reverting the current mesh clears the list of holes.


The hole filling only works on simple boundary loops. Boundary loops with non-manifold vertices are not supported.


Selecting a hole from the list clears any previously selected feature edges.


The hole filling filter works on general polygon meshes.