# Basics Polygonal has a minimal user interface consisting of a Viewer and a Menubar. - The Viewer is the central widget for manipulating meshes. - The Menubar provides access to all commands. ## Opening a Mesh In order to load a new mesh use the {menuselection}`File --> Open` menu entry and select the file you wish to open. Alternatively, use the {kbd}`Ctrl+O` keyboard shortcut. Polygonal supports reading meshes in the following file formats: - STL (.stl) - Wavefront (.obj) - Geomview (.off) ```{important} The input has to be a 2-manifold surface mesh. Polygonal does not support non-manifold meshes. ``` You can also open a file by drag and drop. Simply drag the mesh file you want into the application window and it will open automatically. ## Using the Viewer The Viewer is the central UI element for manipulating and inspecting a mesh. It provides a trackball interface for rotating, panning, and zooming in to the mesh. Press down one of the following mouse buttons and move the mouse perform the desired action: - *left mouse button*: Rotate the mesh around its center - *wheel button*: Pan the mesh in $x$ and $y$ direction - *right mouse button*: Zoom in/out Alternatively, you can use the {kbd}`Alt` and {kbd}`Shift` modifiers to move and zoom: - Hold down {kbd}`Alt` and press the *left mouse button* to move - Hold down {kbd}`Shift` and press the *left mouse button* to zoom Reset the view to the default view by using the {menuselection}`View --> Reset View` menu item. ## Saving Files You can save the current file by using the {menuselection}`File --> Save` menu item or by using the {kbd}`Ctrl+S` keyboard shortcut. ```{important} This will only save the current mesh to the internal browser file system. Use the {menuselection}`File --> Export` menu to download the mesh to your local file system. ``` ## Exporting Files You can export the mesh by using one of the {menuselection}`File --> Exoprt` menu: - {menuselection}`STL (.stl)` - {menuselection}`Wavefront (.obj)` - {menuselection}`Geomview (.off)` ## Closing Files Close the current mesh using the {menuselection}`File --> Close` menu item or the {kbd}`Ctrl+W` keyboard shortcut. All unsaved changes will be lost. ## Reverting Changes Revert the current mesh to the last saved version using the {menuselection}`File --> Revert` menu item or the {kbd}`Ctrl+R` shortcut.